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IRS WISP Builder Tool | Solutions

Written Information Security Plans (WISP) have been legally required since June 2023.

  • Keep your practice compliant with IRS standards to avoid fines and hassle.
  • Maintaining an evergreen plan is tough, but WISP Builder simplifies the project, streamlining your journey to best practices to create a plan you will use.
  • WISP Builder starts with an editable Security Summit template that contains essential elements, all ready to create your Firm’s IRS WISP!

The IRS recommends a WISP plan should:

Employee Management & Training

  • Designate coordinators for information security
  • Design and implement a safeguard program
  • Evaluate and adjust the plan as changes occur

Information Systems

  • Identify service providers that can maintain appropriate safeguards
  • Identify, assess, and help reduce risks to PII

Detecting and Managing System Failures

  • Clearly identify post-breach responsibilities
  • Regularly test and monitor the plan
IRS WISP Builder Tool | Solutions


Resources needed are included in WISP Builder.

A good IRS WISP requires regular maintenance and upkeep.

Once Completed:
  • Keep your IRS WISP in a format others can easily read
  • Make IRS WISP available for training purposes
  • Store a copy securely offsite
  • Regularly update the plan to reflect new developments


WISP Builder delivers an evergreen tool that helps meet these requirements. 

Additional Recommendations

  • Create a data theft response plan
  • Maintain active lists of who has access to personal information
  • Identify equipment that contains sensitive information


WISP Builder has documents available to capture and maintain this information.

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