If you are going to use an online IRS WISP tool to help create and manage your Written Information Security Plan (WISP), you will need to trust your service provider. Here’s some background about us, the founders of WISP Builder to let you know you’ve come to the right place.
WISP Builder is brought to you by the creators of Tangible Values and Practice Panda. Since the early 1980s, these companies have supported the tax and accounting industry to make running your practice a little bit easier and a little more cost-effective. What started from a simple tax organizer created by our founder, Bert Laden, CPA, has grown into a collection of small businesses just like yours dedicated to help you serve your clients.
You may be familiar with our historic brands like Tax-Aid, Tenenz, Epson Hilmer, or Mostad & Christensen. These brands all evolve with the industry as it changes, leading to cutting-edge solutions that support your firm in today’s environment.
In short, we saw a need. We understand the challenge created by the increased targeting of tax professionals by data thieves and other bad players. So we understand why the Federal Trade Commission and the IRS are legally requiring WISPs. But in talking with thousands of accounting and tax professionals we found:
they do not have a WISP, OR
they have a WISP, but it is a static copy received from a CPE course or a printout and is not actively maintained, managed or adapted to the needs of your firm, OR
the firm clicked on a promised online WISP only to find the click was a simple lead generation for an expensive IT security consulting contract
So we created a working online IRS WISP tool that you can use to help create a plan to keep your client’s information private all while proving to authorities that you comply with new regulations. Whether you use the tool yourself, or direct your security IT person to use the tool, we hope you’ll find an easier solution to create, maintain, and prove compliance with a Written Information Security Plan that works for you and your firm.